Friday 5 February 2016

Feminism online: recent examples

1) Caroline Criado-Perez: female presence on banknotes

  • Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragraph
Corioline initially started her campaign due to a lack of inspirational women on the bank notes. she stared her campaign and wanted to sue the bank of England under the equality act. but later ended up campaigning for abuse on social media. She noticed this level of abuse after she was bombarded with rape and death threats because of her views. she concluded that the desensitisation of the internet has allows people to say things they wouldn't normally say to a persons face. (she is currently campaigning for this, 'abuse online' and is noticed by the twitter board which hired more people to police those abuse).
  •  What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
It started of with Caroline wanting to get more women on bank notes, but in turn got allot of hate and abuse by individuals that strongly disagreed with her. suggesting the negative impacts of new and digital media which is ignored by most individuals.
  •  In your opinion, is this an example of a valid campaign or something of a witchhunt against people who are not doing any serious harm?
In my opinion online abuse is a serious concern, no matter what cause its for. People should respect each others opinions and object healthily without being violent/threatening. So her campaign is completely valid and can change the use of new and digital media over time.

2) Emma Watson: HeForShe gender equality campaign 

  •  Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragrap
Tho she discusses some of the issues faced by women, she also talks from a male prospective, talks about how men are pressured to act in a certain way.  so she wasn't attacked by patriarchal individuals.  Emma Watson started the "HeForShe gender equality campaign" which was the first campaign of its kind at the UN to try and motivate as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. She then outlines how no country in the world can yet say they have achieved gender equality. - "it is right that as a woman I am paid the same as my male counterparts. 
  • What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
This was an issue she noticed growing up, about labelling individuals to their gender. She talks about boys not seeking advice when hurt as that would make them look less macho/manly. 
  • In your opinion, is this an example of a valid campaign or something of a witchhunt against people who are not doing any serious harm?
Yes this campaign is do able, however it depends on the mindset of individuals. Furthermore due to the over powering voices of feminists mens voices are lost, and I think they deserve as much equality as women. so in my opinion this campaign is effective and it is an actual social issue that needs to be debated.

3) Caitlin Moran: Twitter silence

  • Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragraph
 Caitlin Moran created a Twitter trend called #TwitterSilence, this Trend was towards women and for women who were not able to speak out. Twitter, however, had already announced it would be listening to the protests of the U.K. feminists, adding more staff to deal with abuse claims and rolling out its current "Report Abuse" button for iPhone to its Android and web platforms as well. 
  • What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
She thinks the only way for women to be treated equally on social media is to boycott social medias such as twitter, that dont do anything about sexist comments. and when the issue of feminism is discussed on  twitter it is automatically blocked due to the anti feminist individuals.
  • In your opinion, is this an example of a valid campaign or something of a witchhunt against people who are not doing any serious harm?
I think that twitter controlling what people say on social media is ridiculous. I think in places like social networking sites everyone should have be equal and have equal opportunity to have their voices heard. However i dont think her campaign is very influential in raising awareness. like  Michelle Malkin said "Dear women: the best way to combat online threats/misogyny is with MORE & louder speech, not less" I agree with her, I think they should be allot louder and make everyone aware of this issue.

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