- Why are respected news brands good news for Twitter?
"59% of users follow newspaper brands". Google Glass was controversial as it impending arrival of the new gadget as sparked some outrage and debate. There is a sense of alienation flowing from the arrival of the product that it might just dehumanise us. i.e desensitise us and also make us less social in terms of connecting with people in real life for instance. Its is also very pricey within its thousand pound ranges and it is rumoured that more competition is on its way from Microsoft and apple, which will bring the price down.
- Why in turn is Twitter good for respected news brands?
This is because trust is created from the consumers and well known brands being on social media means they have instant access. Therefore in order for consumers to get this immediacy they would need to have a social media site to meet the needs f the consumers quicker making them more convenient. Therefore it allows newspapers as a result the audiences have a wider variety of analysis and opinion, giving a balanced and diverse view on a issue, allowing the community to be connected. Twitter, meanwhile, offers instant access to the ever-changing news landscape, the diversity and balance to open up their users to a variety of newsbrands and journalists, and a means of connecting with the newsbrands and their content that could never have happened in the pre-Twitter landscape.
- The report suggests that old and new media “are not, in fact, in direct competition, but often work extremely well together to enhance both the media eco-system and the consumer experience”. What evidence do they provide to support this idea? Do you agree with it?
Together, Twitter and newsbrands can address the needs states and expectations of the demanding news audience far better than individually. When the three connected elements of the newsbrand eco system work to get the best out of the unique platform that Twitter provides, there is a synergy that really does create a whole that is stronger than the sum of its parts. Newsbrands bring trust, access to deeper analysis and expert opinion, as well as content and brand markers that can identify communities of like-minded people.
- On page 24/25 of the report, the focus turns to 'gossip' or 'banter'. What example tweets from journalists are used to illustrate this?
- Dan Wootton @danwootton • Feb 20 Red carpet awks moment from last night as my microphone chord gets stuck to @KlassMyleene’s dress!
-I reveal the shocking truth behind Jennifer Aniston’s new hair
- Do you think the increasing amount of 'gossip' or 'banter' is harming the reputation of news and journalists?
Gossip and banter about celebrities, sports or political scandals are all part of the entertainment and are often turned to when news brand followers want to relax.this may frustrate the reader rather than humour them as these are 'click baits' rather then truthful stories, so this is a way of newspapers being greedy and looking for ways to make money.some examples of 'click bait' (examples above).
- What does the report say about trust in Twitter and journalists (look at pages 34-39)?
techno-panic is a moral panic that centres on fears regarding specific contemporary technology or technological activity.
- Finally, do you think new and digital media developments such as Twitter have had a positive or negative impact on traditional newspapers?
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